A blog where families who love and live the Catholic Faith can share, encourage and support each other.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Mary's Legacy

Written by Victor S.E. Moubarak

When Mary was visited by the Angel Gabriel all those years ago, times were very different.

It would have been a great scandal for an un-married woman to become pregnant. It was even more outrageous to claim He is the Son of God. That would have been blasphemy surely!

Yet despite her fears of shame, rejection and ridicule, not to mention fear for her own safety, Mary trusted God and said "Yes".

She agreed to be the Mother of Jesus.

So, what is her legacy to us?

Obedience and trust.

Obedience and trust in God despite what must have been a very dangerous situation for her, and her family.

Are we that obedient and trusting when God speaks to us?

Victor blogs at Time for Reflections. Please also visit Victor's website for more information about his books including his free ebooks.


  1. Thank you Sue for posting my article here; and the links to my Blog and Website. I'm so grateful for your kindness and generosity.

    God bless you and your family.

    1. My pleasure, Victor,

      Thank you for sharing your article.

      God bless you!
